As the temperature outside turns up and the Summer fun winds down, it’s time to start getting prepped for another new school year. Whether you’re clinging to every last minute of Summertime freedom, or counting down the days ’til your schedule and structure is back in order…
There are a few things for your Back-To-School to-do list that you may have forgotten.Checking these things off will help make the adjustment back to school much smoother. And, if you’re looking for a few organization tips, we’ve got those here for you too!
1. Schedule a Shopping Day during Tax-Free Week
The cost of many school supplies, outfits, and additional items for your kids seem to pile up in the month of August. Be sure to make note of Florida’s Tax-Free Holiday: August 2-6, 2019. By shopping that week on items like clothing, school supplies, and computers, you can get all the items you need without sales tax.
2. Donate clothing
Before going wild shopping on tax-free week, have your kids try on some of their clothes and shoes to make sure they still fit. Collect the clothing and shoes that your kids have outgrown or won’t wear, and donate to charity. Most school nurses also happily welcome extra clothes for kids in need at the office.
3. Create a wardrobe shopping list
Now that you’ve done the hard part of going through and donating any ill-fitting clothes, make a list of what is a definite need for the new school year. Back-to-school shopping can be quite overwhelming so having and sticking to a written list will help diminish any extra stress and spending.
4. Communicate and coordinate potential carpools
If you and your family do a car drop-off and pick-up for your children, consider the other families nearby who could coordinate a carpool with you! Not only is carpooling a greener, eco-friendly solution but, it can help relieve a lot of extra trips! Whether you’re coordinating a daily route, or backup plans when needed.. If you have that in place before the school year starts, you don’t have to scramble at the last minute. Also remember: most elementary schools require parent approval for a child to go home with someone else, so be sure to add your fellow-carpool family to your approved contact list!
5. Adjust sleep schedules
Arguably the hardest part of getting into the back-to-school groove is, adjusting sleep schedules! After a Summer of sleeping in and staying up late, getting the kids up and dressed in the mornings at the beginning of the year can be a nightmare. So, start now! Start slowly adjusting day-by-day until they’re as close to back to normal the week before school starts. This will make it easier for the whole family come first week back.
6. Schedule a last hurrah – with and without the kids
Maybe you had a wild and busy Summer full of adventure, or maybe you mostly made your own fun and entertainment at home! Either way, it’s a great way to end the Summer Break with a little last hurrah. It can be as simple as a movie night at home or pj’s and breakfast for dinner or going to get an ice cream cone for a sunset beach walk! It’s also important to try to schedule yourself a last hurrah before you’re juggling everyone’s crazy schedules and can barely get a moment for yourself. Plan a last Summer date night or mani-pedi or boat ride. Whatever relaxes and treats you, pencil it in before the family calendar is quickly filled up this year.
It can certainly be a jarring adjustment going from Summer freedom to school year routines, but with this list and some little extra organizing, your back-to-school season can be totally manageable! Happy August!