A jet-setter, a baker, an absolute day-maker. Meet our beloved Ellenton Office Manager, Pam Smith. If you’ve been in to our Ellenton office, you’ve probably had the pleasure of being greeted by Pam. She is always pleasant, smiling, and willing to jump in and help whenever needed. Get to know a little bit more about the bright light of this Staff Spotlight!
Born in Jackson, Michigan but most recently a Chicago resident, Pam has visited several different areas of Florida’s west coast over the years. When Pam decided to call the Palmetto/Ellenton area home in 2015 and joined our A Paradise family, it was a perfect fit.
Pam’s very favorite activity is spending quality time with her family. Growing up with 8 siblings, family has always been a big part of Pam’s life, so her son and “amazing, talented and beautiful” granddaughter are incredibly important to her. It’s no surprise that when asked what she enjoys most about her work at A Paradise she very quickly replied “It is the work family that we have here… It is a pleasure to come to work.”
But it’s not just her family and her A Paradise clan that Pam adores, she also has a very close sidekick. Her green-eyed “pink” chihuahua who is by her side wherever she goes.
When not spending time with her family, she loves traveling or relaxing with her pup and diving into a good book or crossword puzzles. She also has a not-so-hidden talent of baking! We are lucky enough to experience one of her greatest passions by getting to share some of the amazing and delicious masterpieces she makes and brings in to the office as a (quickly disappearing) treat!
Whether its sharing her talents by cooking up something scrumptious or sharing her heart by greeting a guest with her warm smile, Pam is one-of-a-kind and someone we are so thankful to have in our A Paradise family!