As the uncertain, anxious, and downright disappointing year of 2020 winds to a close we are probably all looking forward to what 2021 has in store. If this last year has taught us anything it’s that even the best plans can unravel, the most solid traditions can change, and the most calm spirits can become… well, less calm. Amidst the wild things that go on in the world, we’ve been prompted to be extra grateful for the things that remain among a storm.
For this new year’s resolution we’ve decided to give ourselves a break. We’re putting aside any of the typical resolutions: fitness plans, sales goals, pressures be gone. This upcoming year, we’re opting to give ourselves grace and the gift of relaxation.

I know what you’re thinking… the last year gave us an abundance of “free” time. We cancelled plans and stayed home more than ever as the opportunities to get out and about and stay busy were at the minimal. However, with the stress and weight this year put on our shoulders it’s pretty safe to say many of us are likely not ending this year in a “zen” state of mind.
So, our goal for 2021 is to be intentional with our self-care and to actively seek a healthier and more relaxed state of mind. We may not be sure what exactly 2021 will bring and we know that just because a new year starts on the calendar doesn’t necessarily mean a swift reset of everything else. However, we want you to be intentional about taking care of yourself. It’s the best thing you can do to care for others. Whether you start scheming for the new year or pick up whenever you want: We challenge you to seek peace and relaxation.

Of course, our best suggestion for that is spending some time on the beach. Whether you’re an island local who can take some time to do more sunset walks on Anna Maria or treat yourself or a loved one to a nice dinner at a waterside eatery. Or if you’re a visitor who is looking for the ultimate place to take some time to breathe deeper, soak in some Vitamin-D, and enjoy the calm clear waters of AMI. Either way, spending some time alone or with your loved ones in paradise is the ultimate mental and emotional reset to help you feel more balanced.
If you need help getting your piece of peace in paradise, give us a call at (800) 237-2252 so we can set you up in your perfect getaway!
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