Whether you’re still recouping from the holidays or gearing up to kick off 2018 with a bang, we believe there is something exciting about ringing in a new year. Even if you’re not a big fan of New Year’s Resolutions, we’ve gathered a few easy and beneficial things to consider adding to your To-Do list. It’s simple to tweak your days a little bit to add a lot more magic.
Go to the beach more often. We live near some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, take advantage of it. Walk the horizon during sunset. Stick your toes in the sand. Dunk your head in the water.
Find a cause you care about, and dig in. There are causes for anything that makes your heart sing – do some research, get plugged in, and start (or increase) volunteering.
Try something you’ve always wanted to. Go skydiving, learn a new language, pick up the instru-ment you’ve always wished you could play.
Be a tourist in your own hometown. Go parasailing on Anna Maria, read all of the signs at DeSoto Monument in Bradenton, revisit the Ringling Museum in Sarasota. Wherever you call home, find your city’s thing and do it. You may fall in love with the place all over again, with a fresh perspec-tive.
Build something with your hands. It can be something temporary like a sandcastle, something in-dulgent like a homemade cake recipe, or something solid from woodworking. Doing something with your hands is a reminder of your capabilities to create.
Treat yourself. Get a massage, take a nap, eat the chocolate.
Book that vacation, or start saving for it. Or even better, convince your loved ones to come visit you on Anna Maria Island! (We’ve got their place to stay covered.)
Whatever you decide to challenge yourself with in this new year, or if you decide to just give your-self a break – we wish you the happiest New Year’s from A Paradise!